sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Mother's Day

The first celebrations of Mother's Day dates back to ancient Greece, where he surrendered honor Rhea, the mother of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades gods.

Also the Romans called this celebration the Hilaria when acquired from the Greeks. It was held on March 15 at the temple of Cybele for three days and offerings were made.

Catholics transformed these celebrations to honor the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. In the Catholic calendar on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a date that Catholics adopted for the celebration of Mother's Day is celebrated.

In England in the seventeenth century, a similar event took place, also related to the Virgin, which Domingo called Mothering. The children attended mass and returned home with gifts for their mothers. In addition, as many people working for wealthy people and had the opportunity to stay in their homes, that Sunday was given the day off to visit their families.4 5

In 1870 the poet and activist Julia Ward Howe wrote the Proclamation of Mother's Day, a passionate call for peace and disarmament. For a couple of years, Ward Howe insisted his efforts in conducting a conference of this nature.

Anyway, in 1873, women in 18 US cities held a meeting on Mother's Day. Boston continued to hold him for at least another decade. Over the years, they were putting out more celebrations. Howe continued to work in other ways for the rights of women and the paz.6 On May 12, 1907 Ana Jervis two years after the death of his mother, wanted to commemorate the death and organized a Mother's Day to do so. Thereafter he led an active campaign was spreading throughout the territory of the US.7 September 8

Finally, seven years later, President Woodrow Wilson declared in 1914, the Mother's Day as the second Sunday in May in the United States. That was gestated the International Day of the mother after finding was echoed in other countries that adopted it to be the celebration known today.



There are different ways to celebrate mom, the most traditional are sending flowers, make gifts, write poems, phrases or make cards for Mother's Day. Unfortunately this good habits have been lost some time and has tried to turn this celebration into a simple date for trade and profit.

Mother's Day, celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of November, he can not leave anyone indifferent. It was established in 1998.

On the eve of Mother's Day in the Russian capital activity "! Mom, I love you!" Was organized. Its symbol was a forget-me, the flower which according to legend has a miraculous power of memory back to people who have forgotten their relatives and close. Near the more people filled stations of the Moscow metro cards can give to mom personally or email them were distributed free. In these cards a moving bear with a flower in his paw and inscription appears "! Mom, I love you!"

An original sports festival in honor of Mother's Day was held in St. Petersburg in which 140 families participated with their young children up to one year. For a whole month and potatoes came moms intensely training with their little ones to learn to arrastarse knees against the clock. Only one parent was allowed to crawl beside his young desportista, he told the Voice of Russia the organizer of this unprecedented competition Natalia Rusakova.

Children are trained in their own homes. A baby, for example, was very fond of the phone sounded music and crawled behind the appliance. Of course, her parents were presented in this competition with a phone, others with computers, others brought a toy motntón. The funniest thing was when the kids crawled by our eight tracks simultaneously. Everyone put to laugh when a boy, seeing a razor in neighboring runway, veered toward her. This baby is not due disenrolled from these "races" because his mother, using their own methods and toys with rattles, could return to his chabal to its own track.

All "crawling baby walkers" had to cross a distance of 10 meters in two minutes. The winners of this "race" were classified in each age between boys and girls separately. The "races" passed in a fun atmosphere, all young riders received useful gifts as comfortable sleds and musical toys, while the fastest, really a sports drink, the first in their lives. By tradition, like dedicated to Mother's Day activities were held in all Russian regions. And everywhere expressions of thanks to women could be heard for their dedicated educational work, worrying tenderness and infinite love with the kids.

El Día de la Madre

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